212 Med Spa in Edmonds

Where Science Meets Self Care

Welcome to 212 Med Spa, a wellness playground right next to Harbor Square Athletic Club in Edmonds. Our goal is to enrich your journey to longevity with a blend of innovation and holistic care. Immerse yourself in our cutting-edge therapies, from healing Red Light and Cryotherapy to invigorating Cold Plunges and calming Heat Therapy sessions.


The Future of Wellness in Edmonds

Our longevity services complement your active lifestyle, ensuring a harmonious balance between physical vitality and mental tranquility. Welcome to your wellness oasis.

March Drip of the Month

Pot O'Gold


Curated Thoughts from Our Wellness Sanctutary

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Meet Our Specialists

Greg Beach

Managing Partner & Quality Assurance Specialist

Jenni Gallagher

Registered Nurse

Restore your well being in Edmonds